Next to the date picker we have a metric select box, this allows us to select a metric we want to measure the progress of the tasks
The first metric is the Issue Count, when a user chooses this metric we will have a guideline set, the guideline calculates the Total number of issues and divides it by the number of working days this gives us the approximate value of how many issues should be resolved per day, so the guideline will start from the total number of issues and start to decrease by the amount of issues that should be resolved per day.
If the remaining open issues is below or equal to the guideline we say this project is onTrack.
As its seen in the above figure the guideline keeps decreasing by the number of issues that should be resolved per day. And the blue line shows the actual remaining issues on that day. In this report we can see that the guideline and the remaining open issues are totally different so this makes the project to be Offtrack, and we are showing this by a lozenge on the left top corner of the chart as displayed below
As you can see here the Black line represents the guideline
which is 100% Work Ratio and the green line shows the Work Ratio that has been calculated as mentioned above. If the work ratio is below or equal to the guideline we say this project is onTrack
but if its above the guideline we say its offTrack.
And on the tool tip we are showing the values for each date we calculated when the work ration metric is selected.
The third metric is called Story Points TODO:, This metric is similar to the work ratio metric, we have a guideline set to calculate how many story points should be resolved each day during the selected time range.
The way we are calculating this is by getting the total number of story points and dividing it by the number of working days. We represent the guideline by a black line going down(decreasing number of story points each day) as displayed below.
Y-axis shows the percentage of the story points resolved
X-axis shows the dates that the user inputs
And on a blue line we show the number of unresolved story points, if the number of unresolved story points is higher than the guideline then we say this report is offTrack. but if its below the guideline or equal to the guideline we can say the project is onTrack.
The tool tip shows the guideline on the and the number of unresolved story points on a current date.
Next to the metric select box we have two select boxes the first one allows us to choose a sprint or a version to measure as displayed below