Hub directory
The All Hubs page lets users see all the hubs they have access to across all projects on their Jira site. It’s a simple and convenient way to manage and navigate within hubs in one place.
On this page, users can view key information about each hub, such as the hub’s name, project name, its owner, administrators, and visibility settings. The project name is a clickable link that redirects the user to the project issues page. Clicking on the hub name redirects the user to the respective hub. A "Home" icon next to a hub's name shows which hub is set as the default for a specific project. Next to the hub name, there is also a star icon that indicates whether the hub is added to the user's favorites. This icon is interactive—users can click it to add or remove the hub from their favorites.
Users can manage hubs by clicking on the "..." menu next to each hub. From there, they can open the Configure Hub settings, delete the hub, or set it as the default hub for a project.
This page also allows users to create new hubs. To create a HUB user can click the New hub button. When creating a hub, besides of default configurations for users are required to assign it to a specific project, allowing seamless access to tailored reports within the project’s environment.
To make it easier for users to quickly locate what they need, the page offers intuitive filters by project, filter by hub name, and filter by owner. Additionally, a versatile search bar is available, allowing users to search across all parameters except visibility.