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Report Usage
This report comes in the form of a bar chart report. It represent represents the progress by versions in a bar. The user is able to see a partial distribution of tasks related to a specific version by their status (To do, In progress, Done). Versions often represent distinct releases or iterations, allowing you to filter and analyze data based on particular milestones or updates. On the Y-axis user can see the percentage line and on the X-axis the user can see projects and versions.
While we hover the bar tooltip appears. It shows the total number of issues, start date, release date, number of tasks for each status category, and their percentage.
By y-axis, we can see the percentage line, which allow allows us to check the completion rate in percentage.
Setting up a report
Report The report has 3 tabs of configurations: Data source, Display, Description.
Configure and manage the source of data for generating reports .
by selecting the Project(s) and version(s) related to it.
Project field lets user select several projects to get versions from.
Versions field lets user select needed versions from available in previously selected projects.
Manage the visual appearance and presentation of the report, including the visibility of specific elements and the formatting of data.
In this tab user have has to choose “Display value” Display value. This field is setted set by default as Issue count and percentage, but the user still has a possibility to change it. The field sets up the way data in the tooltip and labels on the bars will be represented.
For exampleAvailable options: Issue count and percentage, Percentage, Issue count.
Serves It serves as a space where users can provide context, explanations, and additional information about the report.
Description let lets the user add any additional information less no more than 500 characters about the created report.
The description will be presented directly on the report card above the chart (in case of its presence).