This report is called the Estimate Accuracy report, on this report we show the average work ratio of a user based on a selected issue status.
We are calculating the average work ratio by dividing the total work ratio of a user to the total number of issues that has the selected status.
So a user first selects a status of the issues they wants a report for, they can add multiple statuses
after we select the status the graph is populated with the users and the work ratio as displayed below
Y-axis represents users
X-axis represents the work ratio
The bars show the average work ratio for issues that have the selected status for each user
The green vertical line shows the average work ratio for the users
for instance in this figure above the Average vertical line shows Naboni’s and Xelc’s average work ratio
On the top right side of the report we have a blue icon this icon allows the users to export this report in a CSV format that looks like the figure below