Welcome Page
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Welcome page
This page opens when logging into an existing hub or after creating a new one. The page contains a welcome message with the name of the user who entered the hub.
Additionally, this page contains information about the Hub owner.
To see all hubs the user has created or has access to, he can click on the “Please select hub“ field, and the dropdown at the top will open. User-created hubs and other hubs he has access to.
To open the configuration page, the user can click on the button at the top from the right side. This action can be performed only by specific users who has the following permissions.
Configuration window
Features of this window match functionality described via the link https://grandia-solutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PJ1/pages/12713989/Setting+HUB#New-hub .
Additionally, users get two options:
The Owner field lets the user change the owner to another person. It means giving full access to that person for the hub.
The Delete hub field lets the user possibility to permanently delete the hub.
HUB actions
From the right side, users can see buttons that provide more opportunities for usage.
Add Report
To create a report in the hub we can click on the plus icon.
A pop-up window with the list of the reports and their description will appear. Additionally, user can choose the appropriate section to filter reports related to it.
User can add reports to favourites, so that he can have a separate folder with preferred ones.
The next icon from the list represents an opportunity to export all existing reports together.
By clicking on this icon pop-up export window will appear.
In there user prepares his hub to be exported as a PDF file.
To specify information here are the next fields:
File name provides an opportunity to give a unique name to a file. By default, the file name will be seated as a “Hub name - current date“. But here are some restrictions for the Hub name:
The file name should not be more than 50 characters long.
The file name should not contain special characters.
Tite provides the ability to add a title to the exported file.
Summary provides the ability to add a summary to the exported file. Here is a restriction to it:
The limit is 500 characters.
At the bottom, we have a section with all existing reports in the hub listed. Here user can change the subsequence of the reports by dragging and dropping by holding the icon next to the report name.
Also user has an opportunity to either include or exclude certain reports from the list of reports for the export.
Reports can not be exported until it hasn`t been configured.
While exporting a list of reports from the hub, there is also an opportunity to add a summary to each report.
By clicking on this icon, the modal window for adding a summary will appear.
By clicking this icon user can refresh all reports within the Hub to make sure the data is up-to-date.
By clicking this button all reports in the hub will be collapsed the way described via the link https://grandia-solutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PJ1/pages/71303242/Default+features#Minimizing-report. When all reports are minimized they can be expanded by clicking the same button.