Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance


Top performers


Assess the performance of individual team members by quantifying their contributions in resolving issues. This can help identify top-performing individuals who consistently deliver results. QA teams can identify individuals with specific expertise or strengths in certain areas of the project. This information can be used to assign tasks according to team members' strengths, improving overall efficiency. The report provides a clear visual representation of each team member's contributions, fostering healthy competition and motivation within the QA team.

Pie chart

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By understanding the distribution of issues in specific sections, QA teams can allocate their testing resources more effectively. They can prioritize testing in areas with a higher concentration of issues, ensuring that critical or high-risk configurations are thoroughly examined. The sub-table with links to Jira tickets allows QA teams to directly access detailed information about each issue. This facilitates targeted analysis and troubleshooting, enabling the team to understand the root causes of problems and work on specific improvements for each section.